Mapuche Culture

Moi! [Hi!]

Well, about the Mapuche conflict, I admit that I’m not really interested in it, so I’m not well informed about it.

But according to news, they have serious problems with their land, I really don’t know how to explain it, and it can sound strange or bad, but it’s true.

I think that the mapuches deserve an especial recognize. I mean in Swedish, for example, when a Lapp (a person who belongings to an ethnic group) goes to the city (Stockholm, Uppsala, etcetera), people admire him, their typical clothes, modals and, of course, his culture. But here, we despise to this kind of people, mapuches, yaganes or wherever ethnic group, we are almost ashamed of them or something like that, because we avoid them and, I don’t know, we exclude them… we don’t recognize all their good thing, especially in their culture. I don’t know if it is the correct word, but we are racist, because we value other foreign cultures, or maybe we discriminate against our cultures owns… They know all about plants and natural medicine, his language is amazing, and their knowledge is incredible, they are admirable! Despite it, we ignore them…

Well, I know, according the news, that the mapuches were more than two months in a hunger strike, which seem to me horrible! To obtain a solution to the problems of their land and they refused several instances to dialogue with the authorities, fortunately, they finally abandoned the hunger strike, but I think they health was damaged with it.

About a solution to their requires, I’m not really brilliant in this kind of thing, but I think that with a dialogue between the two interested parts, a lot of patience, and of course, the disposition to reach an agreement.Honestly, I doubt that the real solution could be reached one day, because any of the two parts are prepared to forget or concede his ideals or petitions.

Näkemiin! [Bye!]


Gottimetallia - Gothic Metal

Moi!  [Hi!]

My whole life can be translated into one word, *Music*. I really love to listen to music, I admit it, I’m addicted to the music., Without my marvelous music I prefer to be deaf … I really, really, really hate to hear people around me talking about several thing, but the worst thing is that always is about money, diseases or stupid things… So, music is my life, without it I suffer, I get hysterical (as a song of Def Leppard =P)

My music likes are a little strange; I listen to music unknown to the most of the people.

If I try to think my favorite music as a big gender, probably I’d said “Gothic Metal” but it’s a mix of different styles… The Kingdom of this style is Finland and Germany

Well, about bands, there are a lot! First to all, the band that I went to see this last October 2nd in the celebration of their 20 years, Lacrimosa (despite this is a knowing band) with the master mind of Tilo Wolff (German) and the beautiful and clever Anne Nurmi (Finnish). Their music is complicated to describe, but it’s a mix between symphonic (keyboard, violin) and something more heavy (drums, electric bass, electric guitar) that is simply wonderful, it’s perfect…

The 69 Eyes, another great band of Finnish “Gothic Metal”, with Jyrki69, Jussi69, Bazie, Timo and Archzie; they are known as the Helsinki's Vampires, an awesome band; their lyrics talk about common things that happens to “us”, I mean to people who loves this kind of music.

This band is a good example to describe the way that I discern about if I like it or not. I love to Jyrki69, the vocalist, besides of his “beautiful face” (he’s a pretty boy =P) his deep voice spells me, it’s something amazing; Bazie’s guitar is awesome, you can forget everything listening it. When I went to their first concert, I was in other world…

Well, I’m a crazy, I know, even in my music likes…

Näkemiin!   [Bye!]
